Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies


AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 was scheduled to take place in April 2020 in Vienna, Austria. Yet, with mass lockdowns around the world amid a global pandemic, it was clear that the physical meeting at that time would be called off. However, Kenes Group together with the scientific committee reacted quickly with a creative solution for an entirely virtual meeting.​


The team had under three weeks to convert a meeting into an entirely virtual experience. This was all possible thanks to the flexibility of the IT team at Kenes Group. Working around the clock, the IT experts assisted personally 250 speakers to pre-record their sessions. 14 forums and sessions were live-streamed during the event, adding new content to the platform daily.

Apart from the statistical feedback that proved how effective and well-done the meeting was, there were numerous positive comments shared over social media and email with the Kenes team and the scientific committee:​

  • Total attendance of the event was 1,143 delegates, where nearly 200 delegates registered after the announcement for moving to virtual​
  • 1,073 users logged in at least one time ​
  • Average online users: 350​
  • Forum discussion attendance – between 395 and 965 users​
  • Meet the Professor interaction – between 30-40 users logged, there were between 35-40 questions asked​
  • Virtual exhibition attendance (average/per booth for all days) – between 78 and 170​

Access to the virtual meeting will be provided to all registered participants. The online sessions will be available until 30 June and the option to register is still open.


It is impossible to find the right words to express my gratitude towards you and the whole Kenes team. You made the impossible possible in a very short time and absolutely professional. `{`…`}`

Everybody enjoyed the virtual conference. It was the best way to get newest information, to listen to discussions and even better everybody could practically enjoy every single presentation. It was an overwhelming success, which was made possible by unbelievable efforts of the Kenes team.

This was a great achievement and a very important message to millions of patients suffering from AD and related disorders that science is continuing and even in times of a worldwide pandemic research on neurodegenerative disorders did not lose momentum, it moves forward and will finally result in new treatment options.”

Manfred WindischAAT-AD/PD Executive Organizer, Austria

“Congratulations for such an awesome ‘’digital’’ version of ADPD. While I miss seeing everyone in person, I am really impressed but how great the platform! A big kudos to all the ADPD team that made this possible!

`{`..`}` Thank you for all what you do to ensure that the ADPD community can still share important data!”

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